Self-taught, Bootcamp, or degree?

2 min readSep 28, 2020


For programmers, it doesn’t matter whether you are doing a college degree or not.

But it will surely be helpful in many other ways.

It’s practical, its project will make you understand people and it also helps in connecting with people.

you can learn programming yourself you don’t need to go to college but the syllabus of college will make you understand the basics of computers.

  • How the memory works.
  • How the different components are organized.
  • How the hardware interacts with the software.
  • How different-different hardware needs different-different software to work.
  • How the compilers are designed.
  • How the electrical signals make everything work.

If you are doing college then no doubt it will be hectic, boring you will think that why I joined college and all the money that my parents are paying it will all be in waste but trust me it will surely be of use in the future.

It is like a long term investment.

You will make “friends forever” some of them you will not like, but it doesn’t matter the only thing that matters is you. you can participate in the cultural fest. many sports events will be organized that you can be a part of.

If you are interested in dancing or singing or anything you will get the chance to work on that too.

And who knows you may find your partner in college. It is most probably to happen but if it’s not then no worries you can find him/her while you are working professionally otherwise your parents will find you for sure.

If you are from a middle class or if you can afford to go to college then you should go to college but you should be willing to self-taught yourself your teacher and your college will not be of any use if you are not ready to learn.

If you cannot afford to go to college then you should apply to an open university and learn yourself. you will understand that how useful YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, UDEMY, COURSERA, etc can be. You can learn anything in this generation but you will need to do some research and have to find some good content for yourself.

So, you decide whether you want to go to college or not but I think if you can then you should.

